Default Matlab Plot Colors

I try to be consistent in my thesis and use the same colors everywhere. Since version 2014b, Matlab has a nice color palette. The RGB values and hex-values for the colors can be output using:

colors = get(0, 'defaultAxesColorOrder');
rgbs = round(256*colors);
hexes = num2str(rgbs, '%02X')

This returns the following values (nicefied into a table by hand):

    R     G     B      hex       name
     0   114   190    0072BE     blue
   218    83    25    DA5319     red/orange
   238   178    32    EEB220     yellow
   126    47   142    7E2F8E     purple
   119   173    48    77AD30     green
    77   191   239    4DBFEF     light blue
   163    20    47    A3142F     dark red

Since color names are highly debatable, here are the colors, shown from left to right in the default Matlab color order:

sample of matlab color

If these don't work out, I find that paletton often helps me in finding nice, harmonizing colors.