
... this blog

This blog contains notes from my studies, from work, and from experiments ran out of curiosity. The intended audience is “future me”, but I welcome any and all comments: contact_me@hoeckerson.de.

... me

I am a physicist with a speciality in high-precision mass measurements on stable isotopes. After making all the money there is to be made in that field ($2.67, all told), I am now conquering the software world.

... the header picture

The header picture is a look down into the bore of a superconducting magnet. The black, circly thing is a flashlight that is standing on a piece of plexiglas. It lights the inside of the bore, which contains liquid helium. The optical properties of liquid helium are so close to those of air that you don’t really see it in the picture. It is so cold that all air that gets into the bore freezes into air ice, which is the white disc in the center of the picture.